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Ah-ha! New work! I have at least a few things, many in progress, but I didn't have enough time to save all of them as JPEG's to post them here, so I'll post what I have. I really like working with the textures and colors (and I really think that this is working much better and faster)...and I am hoping to get the work back that I lost and create loads more (including the Flash animation). Right now, I have plans for the one Flash animation and 6-7 images in the works, but I might have more by the end of the semester. Here are a few "teaser" pictures for critique on Monday!
How I love that spring break is no longer spring "break". However, spring break did break my both of my image files are unable to open (the teddy bear and the china doll--which was ALMOST DONE!), randomly shut down if they do, and leave with me absolutely nothing to base my semester on. Just great.
I still have the Flash document and the files that go with that, but my images are GONE...I am currently figuring out what to do about that (more than likely re-doing the images in Photoshop, but with a different approach...) All I can say is this semester really bites on the computer art side of things and that I have a LOT of work ahead of me...oh what joy...
Thank God two of my classes are cancelled next week. I'm going to be spending my life in Computer Art to make up for so much lost time.
And I am steaming right along (Thomas the train engine style) to get lots of work done before break. My images are almost done, except for the teddy bear image whose file has been incinerated and turned to ash (blown away in the wind as well) by my lovely, dysfunctional computer.
I will post the sketches for my Flash project over break (at least some of them) and I'm chugging away on that as well (lots of train references tonight). Obviously, I'll do some sketching over break (maybe even of a toy train set...?) My subconscious brain might be telling me something.
I want to split the semester between images and Flash, but somehow Flash seems to be treating me lovely (sarcastic glare). I'll try to stick to my original theory of split, but if it leans one way or the other, I won't mind in the slightest.