Thursday, April 30, 2009

Stitches Holding Together the Fabric of Time

I've been thinking about how to fix this cracking situation...and while I was finishing my Flash animation last night, I came up with "the idea". Instead of staining it or covering up what I'm trying to fix, I'm going to add thread and needle to the front in a metaphorical sense of "piecing yourself back together". These images are a few of the dark sources of your life that threaten to break your life apart...and I want to show that people hastily try to stitch themselves back together, but are really unable to completely without help. I think adding the sowing to the front in this case on the pillows makes it a little bit more meaningful.

Also, a suggestion was made to me by Amo to stuff them with something other than regular stuffing...and I think I'm going to take her suggestion, especially since the substance she wanted to stuff them with is rather heavy...and stitching yourself back up sometimes leaves you with a heavy heart. ^_^

However, my Flash animation is done! If you want to take a peek, visit here. It's a bit big for the page, but I can't really help that.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Infernos of Hell Rage Against the Icy Winters of Death

The cracking has succeeded in getting worse. I'm going to have to stain the canvas and image in order to make the image flow from one side to the other without distraction. I am also going to try spraying an acrylic sealer on the cracks so it doesn't crack nearly as bad when I turn the images again after I have sown them into pillows.

This idea of mine, while very, very meaningful to the content is a large pain in my ass that I just want to be finished with...NOW!

Good news is my Flash animation is nearly complete (except for the transition of frames and the title/ending page) and I plan to finish that Wednesday. I am going to get the stuffing for the pillows on Saturday morning and then stuff and finish them that day and Sunday. Everything will be done for critique and my life will not feel like it is going to be over. Yay life...go me!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Softly Sighing Beneath the Willow

I am a VERY UNHAPPY Rebecca right now. My images are CRACKING!!!! When I tried to invert the images when making a pillow (turning them inside out to sow them) the edges and other spots started to CRACK and leave the canvas lines beneath it. I don't really know what to do at this point since I cannot print them on linen (since the linen won't load!) and I might just have to deal with sowing the canvas, painstaking, by hand...oh, the things I do for art...

Any comments would be greatly appreciated, but I think I might just have to deal with this on my OWN!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

La Juala de Cuerpos Sangriento

My prints are finally done!!! After 4 test strips...Gywn, Jessie, and I were finally happy with how they turned out. I'll be sure to scan in the two fabrics later for the pillow idea...but I don't want these to be soft pillows. I was thinking about adding nails, bits of broken glass, and other interesting things (maybe buttons)...things that will make these pillows a bit disturbing.

I'm looking for more ideas as I go along. This next week will be the finishing of my final image and my Flash animation (hopefully). I can't wait for the final critique and that means ALL of my work will be done! WOOT!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Seas of Floating Souls Whisper Down the Nile's Banks

I am finally going to print some of my images! How does everyone like that?

My cameo series and the two toys will be printed on linen or canvas (more than likely linen) and made into small pillows. The back fabric will be a dark clock fabric which has symbolic meaning as well. I think this is the best way of presenting them...since I think it makes the point a little bit better as slices of a child's life. Plus, pillows get used, tossed around, thrown, stepped on...and so many other daily things (I don't know...maybe the dog puked on it as well?) that happen to it. It makes the point of the wear and tear on innocence that might not be there by the use of texture or of the desolation that these pieces seem to give.

Any comments are helpful!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Those Who Conceal The Hidden Heart Are But False Liars

I really, really suck at keeping up with this blogging assignment. X_X Either way, I'm posting now with more images and hopefully critique on these images! The first 2 are images from the Flash animation and the last 2 are the new cameo girls (with adaptations!) Please comment and help me out!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Vanessa and The Medium

My flash animation is cruising right along, however, I forget how to upload a SWF file to Blogger...I know that you can't do it, but would you then go to Youtube to do such a thing? But since I don't have my junk drive on me right now as I'm posting this, I have still created two new images...let me see if I can find them....and no, epic fail on that... I will post the images later tonight or Thursday when I get back to my dorm room for the evening. However, I would like ALL of you to comment on the images below, especially the bottom two because I need to know if there are any awkward compositional errors with the really bright colors (since the bright patch of yellow, for example, is not the focal point of the piece on the middle piece in the below post)

If any of the texture is distracting, sorry, but you'll get over it. ^_^ Have fun with that and keep commenting! Information helps, not hurts!