Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Incarceration of the Three Little Fishies Into Their Own Little Circles of Hell

I have decided that I HATE and DESPISE painting in Photoshop. I don't know which tools to use or which tools not to use. I would much rather stick to Painter (which I will). However, I did use the Brightness/Contrast tool in Photoshop to darken my image overall. I'm not really sure as to which one I like better, but I am a fan of the darker bear especially against what will be a standard light pillow with ruffled edges (because whose grandma didn't make their grandchildren one of those old things?) It is only dark now because Photoshop and I are not friends, but I'll change that soon. I just wanted to post it up again so everyone can visualize the changes. Critique is VERY WELCOME!

P.S. I took the hand out which is why I'm a little wary about this whole changing up the thing, but it makes the scene a little more intimate. I checked the size of this image and it's 14 width by 20 height, which makes it about the size of an actual teddy bear (which was my point initally!)

1 comment:

  1. Not having the hand makes gives the image more of a lonely / discarded feeling.

    Think about darkening or yellowing the white of the stuffing and bear's nose.

